DAS Pathways Ltd. Ireland
Josefa International Trading Ltd. Ireland - JITL
Josefa International Trading West Africa- JITWA
‘Positive, sustainable change’
'Changement positif et durable'

We are International, 'sister' Trading Companies, specialising in the facilitation of sustainable economic trade, ethical business, education and development between Ireland, the Ivory Coast, West Africa, Continental Africa, Europe, the USA and the World.
Nous sommes des entreprises internationales, spécialisées dans la facilitation du commerce économique durable, des affaires éthiques, de l'éducation et du développement entre l'Irlande, la Côte d'Ivoire, l'Afrique de l'Ouest, l'Afrique continentale, l'Europe, les États-Unis et le monde.
Fáilte - Welcome! Bienvenu - 환영합니다 - ترحيب - Ẹ ku abọ - خوش آمدید-Welcom - 歡迎

In the countries and territories of West Africa in particular, we are the experts 'on-the-ground', to setup, guide, facilitate and ensure your company's sustainable economic expansion and success. We also have partners throughout Africa and in the USA, India, Nepal, the UAE, Oceania and Europe to assist our global mission and vision.
Our team comprises experienced international consultants, traders, business people, entrepreneurs, financial advisors and local and government experts. This gives us the unique ability to facilitate your business, its interests and plans for development and expansion.
We collaborate and consult with local experts, communities, governments and their agencies to ensure a meaningful and soulful synergy in every aspect of our sustainable, economic and business ventures.
Our Ethos
DAS Pathways Ltd. Irl., JITL.Ltd., & JITWA fully subscribe to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in its work and operation.
We are fully committed to ensuring that our ethical practices in International Business and Facilitation are of benefit to each and every person, company, organisation and government with whom we come in contact.
Our strength lies in the fact that our team is a 'Locally Global' collective of experts from Europe, Africa, USA, Asia and Oceania who fully subscribe to our ethical vision.
Connect with Us
Our international, ethical, trading and facilitation practices and our belief in sustainable, inclusive, 'Local Worlds' is our strength and driving force.
****Please be aware that it is imperative that any company seeking to engage with us or that is contacted on behalf of JITL/JITWA or DAS Pathways should always call or email the CEO/President directly to verify our position. The world is full of unethical people who prey on the vulnerability and goodwill of others. We do not support such unethical practices ****.
00353879240180 - President
0035314608090 - CFO. Office
****Veuillez noter qu'il est impératif que toute entreprise cherchant à s'engager avec nous ou qui est contactée au nom de JITL / JITWA ou DAS Pathways doit toujours appeler ou envoyer un e-mail directement au CEO/ Président pour vérifier notre position. Le monde est plein de gens non éthiques qui s'attaquent à la vulnérabilité et à la bonne volonté des autres. Nous ne soutenons pas ces pratiques contraires à l'éthique ****
Sustainable Development Goals
Empowerment of African girls through Education
Our Expertise
We are fully commited to The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, which provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.
Creating a Brighter Future through Empowerment.

News Snippets

His Excellency Dr. Durga Bahadur Subedi, Ambassador of Nepal, meets Dr. Daithí Ó Murchú, President of R.C.E.E.D.A.O, Ireland and CEO of DAS Pathways Limited, JITL/JITWA.Ltd to discuss social, cultural, economic and business synergies between DAS Pathways/JITL, its global partners and Nepal.

October 2017
The Chamber of Commerce of the Ivory Coast in Ireland launches its new website to promote sustainable economic development and links between Ireland and The Ivory Coast. Mr. Youssouf Bamba is elected President and Mr. Alan Keane is elected Vice-President.
On September 16 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, members of JITL and JITWA, met with the President, vice -president and Board members of COFENABVIO, the Confederation of National Federations of Beef rearing and meat production and also of the Federation of National Societies and Unions of Cooperatives for cashew Nut production and processing, to discuss future economic, social and education collaboration between Ireland, the Ivory Coast and other EU and International markets.

Mme, Fatyma Kaba CEO of the FRAY Group SA, Ivory Coast, arranged a meeting between JITL /JITWA and members of the Cabinet of the Economic and Social Council of the Ivory Coast, including the President, His Excellency, Mr. Charles Koffi Diby. All aspects of mutually beneficial, Social and Economic development projects, between Ireland and the Ivory Coast, were discussed at length and a report was given to His Excellency, the President of the Ivory Coast for consideration.